Ways to Troubleshoot your Wireless Network
Below guided assistance will help you to sort out the troubleshooting issues with your Netgear devices. This article will assist you in troubleshooting network problems with the devices such as Netgear WiFi extender setup, wireless USB adapters, and routers.
To troubleshoot wireless network problems -
For the new router that needs to be connected to the internet, you should refer to the installation guide that was supplied with the router. This manual can also be found on the NETGEAR support website.
It is good to check the signal with the Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) for every new router that has to be connected to the internet. The steps are as follows.
· First and foremost step in such a case is to turn off the wireless function and try connecting your system to the router with the ethernet cable.
· Try rebooting the system and ensure its internet connection.
· If you are still facing the issue with the internet connection, reboot the router and any modem in use.
· Repeat the scenario in such a way that your computer directly connects to the modem instead of a router.
· If you are still unable to connect to the internet, recommended contacting your Internet service provider.
There are many cases where you can easily access the internet through a wired network but not wirelessly. This means that your wireless network is unable to emit signals. To enable the wireless router signal. See below.
To enable or disable the WiFi radios by logging in to the router:
· Open the web browser in your system that is connected to your device network.
· Enter www.routerlogin.net. A login window will be displayed.
· Enter the router username and password. The default username is admin and the default password is password. Both username and password are case-sensitive so make sure that you type it carefully.
· Choose ADVANCED>Advanced setup>wireless settings.
· In the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz-1 and 5 GHz-2. Clear the Enable Wireless router radio checkboxes. Turn off the Wifi feature of the router for each band.
· Click on Apply button. If you turn off the WiFI radios, the WiFI LEDs will turn off. If you turn off the Wifi radios, the WIFI will light on.
How do I turn the WiFi radios off or on with WiFi on/off button?
· Press the WiFi On/off button for a minimum of two seconds.
· In case, if you don’t know what the WiFi On/off button looks like, check with the router manual. Kindly note that if you turned off the WiFi radios, all others like WPS, LED, and the LEDs on the active antennas will get turn off.
· If you turn on the Wifi radios, all other like WPS, LED, and the LEDs on the active antennas will be turned on. Kindly note that if the LED on/off switch is moved to the off position, all the lED except the Power LED are turned on.